General Enrolment Terms and ConditionsCODE OF CONDUCT
PAYMENT POLICY Before program commencement: More than one week = 100% refund / One week to program starting = 50% refund After program commencement: Please speak to Coordinator INFORMATION USE POLICY PRIVACY - Your information is kept in accordance with information privacy laws. INFORMATION SHARING – we will use non-identifiable (non-personal) information for reporting, analysis, planning, and funding purposes. PHOTOS are occasionally taken during programs for promotional purposes. Please speak to program facilitator if you do not wish for this to happen. COMPLAINTS POLICY If you wish to make a complaint, please submit this in writing to the Coordinator. |
Online Programs Guidelines & TipsGuidelines & Tips
Children's Program Terms and Conditions
PRIVACY - Your information is kept in accordance with information privacy laws.
INFORMATION SHARING – to be enrolled at you need to consent that non-identifiable information can be used for reporting, analysis, planning, and funding purposes.
COMPLAINTS POLICY - If you wish to make a complaint, please submit this in writing to the Coordinator.
- I agree for my child to attend this Dixon House children's program.
- I understand that there will be rules for behaviour that we need to respect.
- I understand that pick-up time is 5.30pm by an authorised person/s stated on this form. I will advise if anything changes.
- I will contact the Homework Club Coordinator by phone or text message if my child is unable to come to the program, or I will be late to pick-up my child.
- I consent to Dixon House contacting my child's teacher to discuss their learning needs if necessary.
- I acknowledge that my child is medically fit to participate in the children's program which may involve physical activity.
- In the case of an emergency where neither myself or another authorised person is contactable, I authorise Dixon House to take the necessary steps to seek appropriate medical or other emergency support.
- I will advise the Homework Club Coordinator if any information on this form changes.
PRIVACY - Your information is kept in accordance with information privacy laws.
INFORMATION SHARING – to be enrolled at you need to consent that non-identifiable information can be used for reporting, analysis, planning, and funding purposes.
COMPLAINTS POLICY - If you wish to make a complaint, please submit this in writing to the Coordinator.